Our Track Record

“It is about getting that group of people to move in the same way. To help companies understand how to transform their cultures so that they can do some of the things that they dream of doing.” – Ron Ricci (VP Cisco Systems 2001)

Our Track Record

IP Purchase – Wine Industry

Mandated to negotiate and structure a private funding round for the purchase of a local IP for product distribution in international markets. Funded in full via structured funding and private equity.

International Market Rollout – Medical Diagnostics

Mandated to structure an investment proposal for the international rollout, specifically the US and European markets, of the product range. The final proposal is today still in use as template by the management of the firm for new investment rounds.

Capital Instrument – Boat Building Industry

Mandated to design and structure a new insurance/working capital and financing model for the boat building industry in South Africa. The model was designed in conjunction with the BMDC network in the UK.

International Hotel & Resort Development

Mandated to structure and negotiate a full funding round for the development of a hotel and yacht resort in the Seychelles. Funded in full via South African private banking group and international partner.

National Marketing Rollout - Fintech

Mandated to structure and negotiate a funding round for the national marketing operations. Funded in full via sector specific IT fund.

MBO of Retail Chain

Mandated to structure, design and negotiate share funding for an MBO in a retail chain in South Africa. Funded in full via a structured funding programme from an international banking firm.

Start-up Funding – Wine Industry

Mandated to structure and negotiate start-up funding for establishment of a mobile bottling plant. Funded in full via commercial banking sector.

Trade Instrument – Paper Manufacturing

Mandated to raise & negotiate a trade instrument for the import of raw paper products. Instrument issued by trade finance specialist group within hours of receiving the mandate.

MBI in National Retail Chain

Mandated to raise and negotiate share funding for an MBI in a retail chain in South Africa. Funded in full via a syndicated funding programme between commercial banking and private lending market.

Negotiation of Trade Agreement - Start-up Business

Mandated to negotiate a trade agreement between leading West Coast Fishing Company and client to install and co-own flake ice machines for supply to the local fishing industry. Two sole-trade agreements were negotiated with buy-back agreements and full product purchase guarantees.

Start-up funding – Health & Beauty Industry

Mandated to fund, structure and design a new venture to act as distributor for a national supplier. Funded in full via private lending market.

Start-up Funding - Construction Industry

Mandated to structure and design a new venture to act as sub-contractor for kerbing work in property and road development projects. Funded in full via Commercial banking sector.

Start-up Funding – Clothing Industry

Mandated to raise capital for a location-based add-on business within national Clothing Manufacturing enterprise. Funded in full via Commercial banking sector.

Performance Guarantees – Construction Industry

Mandated to raise performance guarantees for construction entity needed by them for the fulfilment of tenders for commercial property construction projects .

Negotiation of National Purchase & Distribution Agreement – Retail Industry

Mandated to negotiate a sole national purchase & distribution agreement between micro enterprise and national retail group.

Start-up Funding – Steel Manufacturing Industry

Mandated to raise working capital for micro enterprise to honor supply contract with a national steel manufacturer. Funded in full via private lending market.

Expansion Capital – Commodity Trading

Mandated to raise expansion capital to assist commodity-trading concern with expanding their market reach. Funded in full via Trade Instruments and private equity.

Expansion Capital – Supply Network

Mandated to raise long-term funding structures for the set-up of a national supply network. Funded in full via private lending market.

Sector Specific Consulting Work

BMDC also conducts sector specific co-consulting work for clients in South Africa and Europe. Examples of past Contracts:

South Africa – During the initial stages of the now well-known Dreamworld Film Development Project in Cape Town.

South Africa – During the initial investment pitch for the re-development of the Cape Town Harbor Ship Lift project.

South Africa – Consulting assistance to the 2004 South African Olympic Bid Committee

Italy – Due Diligence and Assessment consulting for a private client on a boutique hotel development in Umbria.

Greece – Ad Hoc consulting services on funding readiness to members of the Orange Grove, an initiative by the Netherlands consulate in Athens for Greek/Dutch start-ups.

Greece – Target specific consulting services to private ventures in Europe such as JoinCargo & Vitabroad.

Greece – Fund establishment consulting to the Synergia Hellenic Fund IV & Africa Hellenic Fund I.


Apart from the above, BMDC is also an accredited member & mentor on the VC4A Global Initiative.


BMDC has been frequently asked to lead seminars in the Cape Town area. These opportunities have provided us with the opportunity to transfer our market knowledge to up-and coming business owners.

Below a brief list of some seminars delivered.

Cape Town Small Business Club:

Title – “Setting up your business for an investment”

Helderberg Chamber of Commerce:

Title – ” Structuring the SMME to maximize capital attraction”

Young Entrepreneur Development Forum:

Title – “The basic structure of a new business”